Kardia and Centrallix
One of our visions from the earliest days of LightSys planning was to offer a full-fledged administrative and communications platform for missions organizations. Not only so, but to find ways in which we could bring that technology to missions of various sizes and budgets, and to help encourage and empower sharing and working together between different missions groups.
The Kardia and Centrallix projects are the fleshing out of that vision: Centrallix as the Infrastructure/Foundation, and Kardia as the Expression.

For more information about both of these projects:
- FAQs on Centrallix and Kardia for more information.
- Kardia and Centrallix Blog
- Facebook Page for Kardia & Centrallix (Like Us!)
More About Kardia...
Kardia is a missions administrative system built on top of the Centrallix technology. Kardia represents a strategic partnership between LightSys and various missions groups. The key distinctives of Kardia's goals are listed below:
- Multiplatform: The core tool, Centrallix, is being built to run on multiple platforms, and has been tested on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
- Ease of Deployment: Missions and ministries often do not have the resources to support a "thick client" deployment of a complex technology.
- Ease of Customization: Every mission works differently, and so Kardia must be able to accomodate customizations, without those customizations interfering with the supportability or upgradability of the core product, and ideally placing the job of customization within the reach of someone who is not an expert programmer.
- Secure: Security will continue to be more and more critical, and so a system providing rich, strong, and flexible security is important.
- Free: Our goal is for the entire system to be free of hard costs, meaning no fees for system components and no per-user licensing fees.
- Collaborative: Kardia uses technologies which encourage and support collaborative open-source development of the system itself, and the development tools themselves are free, meaning any developer can join the effort without having to first purchase expensive tools.
- Distributed: It is important that Kardia be able to operate in connected and disconnected (offline) modes, and be able to synchronize between installations, whether servers or workstations.
- Vision for the Future: Kardia is being constructed in such a way as to provide investment protection, so when technology changes again and again, Kardia and its foundation technologies will remain relevant and modern.
For more information about Kardia:
- Kardia Project Homepage
- Kardia Discussed in Taylor (University) Magazine
- SourceForge Project Page for Kardia
More About Centrallix...
Centrallix is an application platform tool, and forms the foundation for this work. It represents a strategic partnership between LightSys and the high-tech community, including both university students and seasoned IT professionals. The key distinctives of Centrallix include:
- Geared Towards Kardia: It is built with the end-goals of Kardia (see below) in mind, and inherits all of the complex requirements needed to support a system like Kardia.
- Abstraction: Applications, Data, and Logic are all abstracted in an object-structured, declarative system, thus isolating the data source, data, logic, presentation, and delivery mechanisms from one another. We believe that application-centered aspects (data, logic, and presentation logic) should not be mixed with system-centered aspects (data sources, presentation language, and delivery vehicle).
- Thin-Client: Centrallix is geared towards a generic thin-client deployment, and currently sports a rich GUI running inside a browser. In fact, Centrallix was using "AJAX" type technologies through-and-through as early as 1998!
- Declarative: A major goal is to empower the creativity and productivity of technologists in missions and ministry by providing a tool that can create and customize applications, without involving procedural programming.
For more information about Centrallix: